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Klimapositive Energie

Prolignis erhält begehrte Förderung des BMWK

Carbon Herald

10. Mai 2024

Wir haben gemeinsam mit unserem Partner autarkize, die anspruchsvolle Förderung aus dem Programm „Industrielle Bioökonomie“ des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) erhalten.

... Autarkize and Prolignis have successfully secured joint project funding from the German government. The two companies, a climate tech start-up based in Allgäu and a project developer based in Ingolstadt, were awarded funding from the “Industrial Bioeconomy” program by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection in Germany. 

The funding for their collaborative project, titled “BioPyro: Innovative pyrolysis plant for hydrogen-containing synthesis gas,” amounts to nearly €566,000. This financial backing is a significant milestone for Autarkize and Prolignis, as it will allow them to advance their innovative project.

The pyrolysis technology has the ability to efficiently convert challenging fermentation residues from biogas plants into biochar and a synthesis gas that contains a remarkably high amount of hydrogen. This system enhances the efficiency of biogas plants, and the biochar effectively eliminates numerous tons of CO2 from the air annually. The feedstock for this process is solely renewable resources and organic waste.

Their goal by 2025 is to showcase the conversion of up to 2,200 tonnes of fermentation and other organic residues into a synthesis gas with a hydrogen content ranging from 25 to 50 percent and an energy density similar to biogas. Simultaneously, approximately 500 tonnes of high-quality biochar will be generated, effectively eliminating around 1,250 tonnes of CO2 emissions from the atmosphere in the long run.

Wolfgang Krug, project manager at Prolignis, shared, “We are absolutely motivated, convinced, and simply happy to be able to make our contribution to the energy transition and, above all, to be able to offer biogas plant operators additional business areas.”

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